About Medicine Plants and Ceremonies

About Medicine Plants and Ceremonies

I feel to say a few more words on the use of Medicine Plants and Ceremonies.Sadly, I see again and again how medicine plants are misused and abused both by participants and ceremony leaders. Before you think about participating in a ceremony you should consider a few...


Arambol sunset Christmas 2017 Truthfulness, it’s one of the values that I miss the most, simply because it’s becoming rarer and rarer nowadays. Truthfulness, it’s one of the values that I miss the most, simply because it’s becoming rarer and rarer...
Breathwork, self-inquiry, and programs

Breathwork, self-inquiry, and programs

When I started with breathwork many years ago, I was mainly focused on healing wounds and traumas.And I’ve to admit that, so far, it has been one of the best tools I ever met for this kind of healing. Obviously, I integrate it with other techniques, first of all with...
Thank you Mother Earth!

Thank you Mother Earth!

Butterfly on Lavander I hear people saying: “ I want this life to be the last one! I don’t want to be reborn anymore!”Why? Is your life so miserable? Are you so unhappy? And why do you think that in another dimension you’ll be happier? What makes you think...