I feel to say a few more words on the use of Medicine Plants and Ceremonies.
Sadly, I see again and again how medicine plants are misused and abused both by participants and ceremony leaders.

Before you think about participating in a ceremony you should consider a few things to avoid having a negative or traumatic experience and to ensure that you are ready for such a journey.

You can’t dive into a ceremony if you haven’t done any work on yourself.
The truth, or different realities that the Medicine may show you could be too shocking and difficult to accept if you haven’t practised meditation or self-enquiry. As a result, you may close up to your inner truth by denying it, or feel overwhelmed and “freak out”.
People who invite you without knowing or interviewing you to a ceremony with Medicine Plants are probably more interested in your money than in your healing and safety.
To participate in a ceremony requires openness and the willingness to look inside and accept the teachings that are given by the Medicine. Once you receive a teaching, a direction or a vision, you HAVE to follow it and put it into action, otherwise the Medicine will not continue to share precious teachings with you.

What many people are missing is Respect. In his book “Original Instructions”, my teacher Medicine Story titled the first chapter as “Respect”. People asked him “why Respect and not Love?” He responded that, “You can’t teach Love but you can teach Respect”.

  1. Respect the Medicine – in the same way that you would respect the ocean. Meaning you would acknowledge the power of the ocean, its waves, the current. You wouldn’t challenge it.
    Medicine has a tremendous power. If you don’t respect it, it can take you where you don’t want to go.
  2. Respect for the leader –
    • If you have no trust, conflict is surely to arise. If you don’t trust the leader, please don’t participate in the ceremony. If it’s meant for you, you’ll surely find the right leader at the right time.
    • You may be triggered by the leader, and it is important in that moment to step back and observe the source of the reaction.
    • You may not understand his teachings – it may even challenge your ideas and beliefs, but these teachings may be coming from ancient traditions and wisdom. You don’t have to agree, but you have to be respectful.
  3. Respect the Fire – the Fire is sacred. It is the lighthouse of the ceremony. It is the connection between you and the spirits – the bridge with the other dimension.
  4. Respect the Circle – This means all assistants and participants. Once again you may be triggered by those in the circle. Observe and assess your reaction.

We grow up taking things for granted – the precious gift of our life, our (and others’) time, Mother Earth, all the rivers, lakes, oceans, the mountains and the forests, the animals and plants that are making this planet a paradise. Gratitude for our ancestors, for the people who gave their lives to keep the flame of wisdom, love and compassion alive. Living with gratitude is healing.

Although humbleness has various definitions, for me it is the knowing of one’s place in relation to the universe. Humbleness has no room for arrogance or self-deception.
Many people think they know everything because they have university degrees, or have a collection of certificates from workshops, or even knowledge they have gathered from the internet and YouTube.
There is a big difference between accumulated knowledge and wisdom.

A reminder:

There are many ways to self-development, many Spiritual paths, Medicine Plants might not be the one for you.